Greetings to the good people of DaVita,
KT here, on Friday, last day of vacation. Work pollution has been modest, about 90 minutes of phone calls on most days, with one day pure. I was hoping for 5 pure days, it is so healthy to get that every now and then, and it makes a huge difference to Denise, but it just has not been possible this week nor my partial week in Wisconsin earlier this summer. We just happen to be working on some significant acquisitions, recruits, and compliance issues. Remember our Compliance Commandments, including prescription decisions are ALWAYS the doctors’, and we never provide any economic benefit to a doctor for a referral, period, zero. Life’s rich pageant, lucky I love my job and our Mission and our Village.
Wednesday night I once again slept about 9 hours. Wow. For various reasons I could not head out and bike right away, and so did a 2 hour 1 minute bike ride, with 2600 feet of vertical, in the middle of the day and 100 degree heat. Yikes. But heat does not bother me as much as others, once I am concentrating on the task at hand.
I had 1 serving of fruit for breakfast, and 1 as a snack halfway thru my ride. I had 1 serving of vegetables at lunch and another at dinner. Not bad. So that is the tale of the tape for yesterday, Thursday.
Last night I slept for 8.5 hours. Funny to think that I will be back in the world of 6 hours per weeknight again in a few days. Makes one wonder …
This morning we had some nephew/niece activities first thing, so once again the ride was in the middle of the hot hot day. I was with my good friend, a “life uncle” to my kids(as opposed to a “blood uncle). We did 90 minutes, including 1600 feet of vertical. So far thru lunch I have had 2 serving of fruit (a peach and a banana) and one serving of veggies (tomatoes, incredibly fresh).
Tomorrow will be a rough day. 3 airports, lots of hours on planes, getting picked up at 7:15 am. So no time for exercise, and bad environment for healthy food. I will do my best.
As I am sure most of you are doing! I look forward to catching up on many of your postings tomorrow on the plane – I hope many of you are making new friends, and establishing “health partnerships/buddies”, as we all strive to live healthier lives, one day and one step at a time.
One for All, … KT