Congratulations to All MTM XI Participants!
This year’s challenge was all about strengthening our emotional fitness and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. To accomplish this, we partnered with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Together, we took 355 million steps towards our lofty goal of 500 million. We shot for the moon but still landed among the stars, and should be proud of our accomplishment. For completing 71% of our goal, we are proud to announce the Village we will be donating $17,750 to the National Alliance on Mental Illness to help support the continuation of their crucial cause.
We would like to congratulate all of our participants who made this year’s challenge great. All of your enthusiasm and encouragement toward our goal helped us make it this far.
In the spirit of Continuous Improvement, please take a moment to provide your feedback by completing our survey.
We encourage you to continue to keep the conversation about mental health open and free of judgment so we can continue to make our Village a stigma-free, special place.
One for All!