From KT – July 30
Dear Fellow Citizens/Teammates,
(and maybe some of you just think of yourselves as “employees” .. oh well, your loss … unless you are new, in which case it is fair to wait awhile and check us out)
I may not get time to get on the computer later today, so let me provide a flash report.
Started the day with just 45 minutes of work or so. And also sent my first MTM note then.
Then did a 66 minute bike ride, including shaving 2.5 minutes off of my personal best up the back hill, that is the 2131 feet of ascent over 6 miles. Did 40 push-ups and some good stretching (including some in a steam room), so a total of 108 minutes of very good exercise – then Denise and I hiked an hour to the nearby village for lunch, I will count that as an extra 30 minutes only, since it was a lot of downhill.
I had my shredded wheat breakfast, and one serving of black beans (the healthy ones) plus a good salad as part of lunch. This was not easy as that was pretty much the only healthy stuff available at that restaurant, so I will record 1.5 healthy servings at lunch, 2.5 on the day leading up to dinner – which will be in a restaurant so I hope they have side servings of veggies. If I get hungry between now and the late dinner, I intend to eat an apple. We will see.
Now I will do about an hour and a half of work, before settling down to some reading and family stuff before dinner.
It is a beautiful summer day here – hope the same for all of you, and hope you are sticking to your health goals today! Dinner and the evening are always my toughest challenges.
All the best