Greetings to the Good People of the DaVita Village!
It is hard to believe this will be the tenth Match the Mayor. The MTM team has put together a distinctively holistic program this year, that should be fun and helpful as we all strive to create and maintain healthy lives.
This year’s “menu” is much longer, including things like developing a personal mission statement. I have done pretty complete drafts of personal mission statements a few times over the last 20 years – although I have never ended up with one I stuck with, they were all quite similar and the process helped clarify what I care most about. So there was a lot of value even though I never ended up adopting one and keeping it in my daily folder. It will be interesting to see what I generate this time, I am somewhat nervous to be doing it publicly.
Once again I would like to lose weight. Sounds a bit like a broken record. I am at 194 as of this morning, all muscle except for the parts that are fat. On the meditation front I started doing daily tracking of 5 minutes of total quiet/breathing time a few weeks ago – this has already meant I am doing it 3-4 times a week instead of one. I also started tracking my personal journaling, where my goal is once a week. Since I started tracking I have moved from about 1.5 times a month to once every week.
On the work front I am going to start tracking a “mindfulness score” for each meeting/call I am in/on. I did that once before and it helped. I write down the scores right after each meeting or at the end of the day, and I keep the scores to watch for trends. Quite humbling on some days, as I realize I am letting stress or fatigue or whatever lead me to not be my best self, and start emptying people’s cups instead of holding them neutral or re-filling them.
I will do my little blog about every 2-3 days, probably about this length. As always I will try to answer many of the posts that come from you guys, but I will always read all of them, each and every one.
I just finished a good summer – unfortunately I had another surgery which forced me to cancel a few of my favorite summer activities, plus go 10 weeks without exercise except for walking. Two of the cancelled activities were my annual mountain bike camping trips, the second year in a row a surgery has done that to me. But I am largely recovered at this point, and slowly working my way back into shape, exercising daily as has been my norm for 20 years now. Still eating too much late night ice cream, perhaps I should make dealing with that one of my MTM objectives.
My 29 year old son and 27 year old daughter are both fine, as is my wife Denise. We got some great family time this summer.
I look forward to joining with you and thousands of other DaVita citizens across the world, locking arms and pursuing healthier lives together.
One for All & All for One. Your Mayor, KT