Stocking Your Kitchen with Plant-based Ingredients
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are advising people to limit trips to…
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Potassium Control Tips for a Healthy Life
Why is Potassium Control Important? Potassium is a necessary nutrient that helps the heart and muscles function properly. However, too much potassium can be harmful…
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Food Facts Friday: Strawberries
Springtime is the peak season for strawberries, one of the most popular berries. They taste great eaten alone or mixed in a salad or smoothie….
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Dialyzing While in a Pandemic
As a health care provider for dialysis patients for twenty-five years, I can only imagine what might be going through the minds of patients during…
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Embrace Earth Day: Go Green!
“Go Green” is a catch phrase used to encourage people to conserve our planet’s resources. You can go green by embracing Earth Day on, April…
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Cultural Challenges for Patients and Dietitians
Imagine meeting with your dietitian and finding out they know little about your ethnicity and cultural food habits. This is the challenge faced by many…
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Recipes for Easter Dinner at Home
For those that celebrate Easter it is an opportunity for families to take a moment to pause their busy lives and come together. Some families…
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Tips and Recipes for an Extended Stay at Home
During an emergency, such as a natural disaster or global pandemic, there may be limited access to essential items, including groceries. In these situations, it…
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New! Today’s Kidney Diet Cooking for One or Two
Have you ever made a new recipe only to find it made enough for a family of eight? And you have a household of two!…
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Kidney Health 101: What are Stage 1 and 2 Kidney Disease?
Did you know that chronic kidney disease (CKD) comes in stages? There are five stages of CKD and you may have heard from your doctor…
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