From KT – Oct. 26, 2017
Good Morning DaVita !!!!!!!!
It is Thursday morning, I am up in the Rocky Mountains, at a DKC (DaVita Kidney Care) retreat. It has been a great meeting, and I love being up here even though we are working all day and night.
If you take a look at my scores, the last week has had some serious gaps – namely I have rarely had 7 hours of sleep, and in the last few days I have done fewer of the 2 minute breakouts for stretches and movement. Darn!
Yikes. I just realized I have to run to the meeting. I will send more later today. I hope you are all doing well, all 2300 of you !!
One for All
Richard said,
October 26, 2017 @ 8:15 am
Keep in mind KT that if you actually run (or even walk steadily) to that meeting that could potentially be a 2 min time out!