Dairy Delicious: Milk and Cheese Products for Kidney Patients
Looking for another alternative to milk and cheese for your renal diet? A company from New York, Delicious Milk Company, Inc., has engineered Dairy Delicious…
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Could a kidney patient double up on a multivitamin instead of taking renal vitamins?
Multivitamins or standard over-the-counter supplements are not suggested for dialysis patients as a replacement for renal vitamins for several reasons: Patients with kidney failure require…
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How much fluid can a person with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis drink?
Fluid intake for hemodialysis patients is limited between dialysis treatments since the kidneys lose the ability to make urine and remove excess fluid from the…
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Vinegar: an ideal seasoning for kidney diets
Vinegar is produced by bacteria that convert alcohol in fermented liquids into acetic acid, the ingredient responsible for the sour taste of vinegar. Some vinegar…
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Egg whites for a dialysis diet
Egg whites are an excellent source or high quality protein for the dialysis diet. Egg whites are very low in phosphorus (5 mg per egg…
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Spinach: Yes or no for a dialysis diet?
Raw spinach is lower in potassium than cooked spinach. If you’ve ever cooked a bag of spinach, you can probably guess why. When heated, spinach…
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Citrus zest to intensify flavor
Add extra flavor to your next kidney diet dish by adding zest from lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit. Zest is the colored portion of the…
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Liquid low cholesterol egg product: use in a kidney diet
How much liquid egg product equals 1 egg? 1/4 cup = 1 egg 1/2 cup = 2 eggs 1 cup = 4 eggs one 16-ounce…
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Best broth choices for a kidney diet
For people following a low sodium diet, the biggest problem with soup and broth is the extremely high sodium content. A one cup serving can…
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What’s in the special renal vitamins for dialysis patients?
Renal vitamins contain B vitamins and a limited dose of vitamin C to help replace losses related to dialysis in those with end stage renal…
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