DaVita® Medical Insights

Podcast: MACRA and the Importance of Transforming Your Practice

The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) is an evolution of existing programs that physicians have been participating in over the last few years. It’s important for physicians to gain an understanding of the changes and apply them to their practices during 2017—the grace period before the full transition in 2018.

Listen to the podcast below to learn more.  In under nine minutes, Adam Weinstein, MD, discusses how MACRA differs from previous payment incentive programs, the key components of the Merit-based Incentive Payment Systems (MIPs) and Alternative Payment Models (APMs), how physicians can prepare for the MACRA rollout, steps for practice transformation and the importance of incentivizing staff to report on the right data. He also helps to clarify common points of confusion related to MACRA.

Subscribe to the DaVita Medical Insights podcast here.

Adam Weinstein, MD

Adam Weinstein, MD, is vice president of medical affairs with Clinical IT Services at DaVita and a part-time clinical nephrologist in Maryland. He serves as the American Medical Association Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) advisor for the Renal Physicians Association (RPA) and chairs the RPA clinical data registry workgroup. Dr. Weinstein is a cofounder for the Kidney Health Center of Maryland. He has worked as VP of medical affairs at the University of Maryland, Shore Regional Health and has served on the Maryland Healthcare Commission and RPA board of directors. He completed his training in internal medicine and nephrology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and University of Maryland Medical Center. Twitter: @Adjweinstein