DaVita® Medical Insights

Podcast: Health Care Technology: Designing a Positive User Experience

When it comes to health care technology that supports physicians, it is imperative to understand physicians and their workflows to provide solutions that help meet their needs. Listen to this podcast, in which Michelle Lassen interviews Adam Weinstein, MD, and Liane Poloski on approaches to developing technology that supports physicians and ultimately makes a difference for their patients.

Adam Weinstein, MD

Adam Weinstein, MD, is vice president of medical affairs with Clinical IT Services at DaVita and a part-time clinical nephrologist in Maryland. He serves as the American Medical Association Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) advisor for the Renal Physicians Association (RPA) and chairs the RPA clinical data registry workgroup. Dr. Weinstein is a cofounder for the Kidney Health Center of Maryland. He has worked as VP of medical affairs at the University of Maryland, Shore Regional Health and has served on the Maryland Healthcare Commission and RPA board of directors. He completed his training in internal medicine and nephrology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and University of Maryland Medical Center. Twitter: @Adjweinstein