Celebrating National Doctors’ Day Since 1933
First celebrated on March 30, 1933, in Winder, Georgia, National Doctors’ Day was conceived by Eudora Brown Almond, wife of Charles B. Almond, MD, as a way to honor physicians. This holiday was first observed by mailing greeting cards and placing flowers on graves of deceased doctors. The designation of March 30 as “National Doctors’ Day” was not signed into law, however, until October 30, 1990, after overwhelming approval by the United States Senate and the House of Representatives. Today, National Doctors’ Day is still a national holiday to recognize the contributions of physicians who care for our country’s citizens.
On this year’s National Doctors’ Day, I want to thank my physician colleagues for your work in the field of nephrology and acknowledge the difference you make in patients’ lives. Please take a few minutes to watch this video to hear what inspired our colleagues to go into medicine or nephrology in particular and what we may learn from our patients.
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