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March 13, 2013

Let’s Mark National Kidney Month with a New Approach to Raising Awareness

2 Comments to “Let’s Mark National Kidney Month with a New Approach to Raising Awareness”

  1. Wai Yin Ho said,

    March 15, 2013 @ 10:49 am

    Dr. Nissenson,

    I wholeheartedly agree with your message and idealism. As a dialysis clinic dietitian and Kidney Smart Educator, I see way too many missed opportunities in CKD education. Even with the wonderful program such as Kidney Smart, it is difficult to obtain referrals from Nephrologists and other doctors.

    In regarding to laboratory testing, I think the opportunity may lie in the area of Electronic Health Record (EHR). It probably is harder to change human behavior (for physicians to order renal lab panel for those who are at risk) than making a change in programming. For example, a simple logic in programming such as “IF (diagnosis = Hypertension AND Diabetes) THEN (annual renal panel)” should be easily achieved, granted IF insurance plans cover such simple screening labs. To escalate further, logic such as “IF (GFR<60), THEN (CKD Education referral)” will be a wonderful alert flag. If Kidney Smart can be successfully included in the list of referral source, I can see this as a great opportunity and it takes one decision out of the long list from the doctors. It is a win-win situation. Now, we just need a magic wand to 1) convince the EHR providers to build in such logics; 2) have the doctors agree to such simple screening and referral step; 3) convince the doctors to put Kidney Smart into their referral sources; 4) tackle with insurance companies to cover such screening. Yes, that will be ideal, won’t it?

  2. Allen Nissenson said,

    March 15, 2013 @ 12:39 pm

    Great comments. We all should work together to make this happen!

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