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July 26, 2012

Nephrologists Need to Drive Clinical Quality Improvements: How Do We Re-Energize the Discipline?

3 Comments to “Nephrologists Need to Drive Clinical Quality Improvements: How Do We Re-Energize the Discipline?”

  1. Marie Benz, MD said,

    July 27, 2012 @ 6:52 am

    Nephrology is uniquely challenging as a career path on many levels – academically, emotionally, financially, even physically with the hours required. You have elegantly identified the goal of allowing students, early enough in their career, to see the beauty and rewards of nephrology as a life choice.

    Dr. Jhaveri comments on his article “Enhancing Interest in Nephrology Careers During Medical Residency” on Hemodialysis.com.


    Many thanks for your blog and insights,Dr. Nissenson

    Marie Benz

  2. Denis said,

    August 5, 2012 @ 2:21 pm

    , they will be doing demonstration precojts in subspecialty areas for ACO’s but when and where is that to occur? Do we wait until we are approached by hospital systems and then come to Davita so that we have something at the bargaing table? I guess what I and many of my colleagues wonder is, where do we go from here? We want to be on the cutting edge of this but how do we do this?Thanks again to you and Davita for helping to support us now and in the future in this ever-changing landscape. I look forward to your comments.Chris

  3. Allen Nissenson said,

    August 6, 2012 @ 8:49 am

    Thanks very much for the comments, Marie and Denis. I hope more of our colleagues will embrace their responsibility to help younger colleagues understand the joy of practicing medicine and the rewarding challenges of nephrology.
    Regarding ACOs- the general ACOs are already here- 32 Pioneer ACOs and 89 more ACOs just approved by CMS. Even outside of Medicare ACOs are forming as a way of organizing the delivery and shared accountability for costs for populations of patients. In nephrology, we expect CMMI to issue an RFP soon for a “renal” ACO- patient attribution based on ESRD most likely- although all care and costs will be the responsibility of the ACO. I would not wait to see what happens but be proactive, as DaVita is doing. For those interested in hearing more of how we can help you, check out Bob Provenzano’s blog or contact Bob directly.

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