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May 2, 2011

Moving the Quality Needle: The Evidence Conundrum

2 Comments to “Moving the Quality Needle: The Evidence Conundrum”

  1. Tom F. Parker, III MD said,

    May 9, 2011 @ 9:14 am


    Thanks for your thoughtful comments on the frustrating TEP-CPM-NQF conundrum. Your observations are correct.

    The conversation now needs to move to what the most important processes and outcomes might be, those that do not rise to level of a CPM or evidenced based measure, that the facility and caregiver might consider to most influence patient well being, morbidity and mortality. Would you consider proposing the ones that you think most important? The rest of us can then wade-in.

  2. Allen Nissenson said,

    May 9, 2011 @ 10:35 am

    Thanks, Tom. Without ranking or other comment, I would through out the following for which there is a lack of RCT-type evidence, but where the observational data and common sense suggest possible important areas of focus:

    1. Fluid management- could be a variety of metrics; 2. Medication management- reconciliation of meds/improved adherence; 3. Immunizations; 4. Serum phosphorus- recent meta-analysis suggesting this is the one bone metric that may impact outcomes; 5. Depression screening/referral/treatment

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